1. Pre-Owned Games and DRM
As you should all know by know (if you don't where have you been!?) Sony have revealed that they will be supporting the pre-owned games initiative and have no intention of charging you or your friends for borrowing/lending games or trading them into your local game shop. There are some rumors coming out that PS4 will not interfere if 3rd party publishers wish to charge for pre-owned games, however, this has not been confirmed. And let it stay that way I say.
UPDATE: See bottom of article.
2. Privacy
I don't know about the rest of you guys but I quite like my privacy and if these reports are true about Kinect always being on and registering everything that is happening in the room, I cannot say I would be too happy about that, especially given the news about the NSA. People have also said 'well you can turn the sensor around', but clearly it can also pick up on voice, speech and dialect.
3. Cost
For those who are strapped for cash and can only afford the one console, like myself, the PS4 is the way to go. The launch price of the PS4 in the UK is £350 compared to £429 for the Xbox One. But don't be confused, just because you are paying £80 less doesn't mean you are paying for a poorer product. Also, think of what you could get for that £80 if you are savvy with your pennies.
4. Exclusives
Okay, okay, you probably want to chop my head off but, personally PS4 have the more interesting exclusive games. Yes, I know Xbox have Ryse: Son of Rome. Yes, I know that Xbox have Forza Motorsport 5 and yes, I know that Xbox have Titanfall. In addition to this, Xbox will also have Halo 5, Deadrising 3 and Quantum Break, including others. The only Xbox One exclusives that made my mouth water were Ryse: Son of Rome, Quantum Break and Project Spark, now let me tell you why.
Titanfall is an MMO and Vince Zampella has confirmed that there will not be a single-player campaign mode in the game. Once I caught wind of this I was instantly disinterested. I love to lose myself in a great storyline - Think Farcry 3. I have never been a fan of Halo and I never will be, I admit that the storyline can be somewhat decent but the handling of the game just doesn't sit well with me. Forza Motorsport 5 - Once you have played one racing game you have played them all.
The PS4 exclusives got me extremely excited. The Order 1886 looks like it will be a great game. Developed by Ready and Dawn at Santa Monica studios, it is a story about an alternative history version of the Victorian era in London, should be a great storyline. Killzone: Shadow Fall speaks for itself. Knack, it may look a bit boring to you guys but to me, it looks like it could just be a bit of fun. But if I could choose, I would bring Project Spark over to PS4.
5. Console
As a whole, the PS4 console looks so much better, it looks slicker, and it is smaller than the PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The design features also look so, so slick.
Judging by the statement that has been released today by Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, Don Mattrick, Xbox One may have pegged one back on the PS4. The statement reads "An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games..." "Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today..."
To keep up with the goings-on with Microsoft's policy on this, stay tune to CVG
But will this be enough to hold on to me as an Xbox customer? Judging by the other 4 reasons, I don't think so. Xbox would really have to do something outstanding to keep me on board.
Thanks for reading guys!