I was lucky enough to be a competition winner for the Xbox One Tour in London. Here I will be talking about the games that were on show, and providing you with some very badly taken pictures (it was dark, okay.).
So here goes.
Note, I did say that they were badly taken photos. So this is the site I saw when entering the venue, and we were requested to use the hastag xboxonetour for the duration of the event.
One of the walls was covered with an Xbox timeline featuring the original Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Elite, Xbox 360 S, and finally, the Xbox One.
Here is the Xbox One up-front and personal. As expected it is a pretty big machine, as is the Kinect sensor, which came as a bit of a surprise.
And a better look at the console and Kinect sensor. I took the time to check out how hot the machine gets and it seemed pretty cool when I initially checked it, but upon further inspection the Xbox actually felt really hot on top. However, to be fair, the machines were probably switched on from 9am and were on all day.
This is the brand new Xbox controller. On first sight it does look a lot bulkier but let me tell you now that you would be wrong. It feels a lot better than the current-gen consoles. Less heavy, better analogue sticks, nicer feeling bumper and trigger buttons. The best thing for me is that they finally seem to have removed that hideous battery pack.
Bad news for all of you Turtle Beach owners out there though. The design for the headphone port as now been changed. Gone is the standard pin, it has now been replaced by a flat head. Hopefully Turtle Beach will release adapters for you guys.
The only disappointment's would be the newly designed directional pad (surely an obsolete design feature now?), that and the left bumper button felt a bit stiff.
That is it for Part One of the Xbox Tour. Stay tuned for Part Two which will be all about the games!
3 Lives Left
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