Saturday, 25 April 2015

Hiatus and future of the blog

Hey guys,

I cannot believe that it has been almost a year since my last post. I feel ashamed. But between then and now a lot of things have happened that has kept me away. I got engaged to my wonderful girlfriend, she moved in with me, then we moved out together. Quite a hectic 11 months... Anyway, down to business. 

I am rebooting the blog as of today and will post an update with what you can expect over the next few weeks. 2014 was a good year for gaming, but 2015/16 is lining up to be amazing, with some awesome games already released: Alien Isolation, The Evil Within, Dragon Age Inquisition, and some others being some of my highlights already. Then we have the likes of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (my personal fave yet-to-be-released game of 2015), among others, including the usual big hitters such as Call of Duty, Battlefield and FIFA. 

You may or may not be pleased to know that I am also playing with the idea of reintroducing films back into the blog. I have not posted about films since the dawn of time so keep your eyes peeled if you're all about that motion picture life. If I were to bring films back I will warn you to not expect it to always be recently released films - the older films are good too! In addition to this I have also played with the idea of adding TV shows that I have been watching. Over the last few months I have been watching ALOT, and I mean a lot of Nextflix and other TV shows, so watch out for that too. 

The next few months promises to be good where 3 Lives Left is concerned, so buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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